biomechanical assessments that footshop
Biomechanical Assessments
At That Foot Shop, a combination of manual assessment and observation together with state-of-the-art technology is used to provide information to help us to assess, diagnose and treat a client’s biomechanical problem.

Posture Analysis
After a full history is taken, posture and structure will be assessed by observation of difference in shoulder height, hip height, knee rotation, foot position etc.

Video Analysis
Video data is taken of both the upper and lower body and analysed through Ubersense digital video software, allowing for images to be slowed down and lines of reference to be applied to the dynamic image.

The RSscan pressure plate system takes a digital cast of the foot. Recording both static (centre of gravity and sway) and dynamic data (in shoe and out of shoe data showing how the feet strike the ground and function through each step).

Once the biomechanical assessment has been carried out and the orthotics provided, the client has a four-week programme in which to break in and test the orthotics.
The orthotics are designed with a degradable base cover which on client review will show signs of wear indicating how the orthotics have functioned during the trial period.
The review appointments are included with the assessment and orthotic costs. The client is reviewed and the orthotics are altered appropriately until a pre-agreed therapeutic target, is reached. The client is reviewed routinely every 6 months.
A full biomechanical assessment can be booked in any one of our clinics in Manchester, Whitefield or Preston.