8 ways that Swift can benefit you

Swift, Available now.

When a verruca or wart appears, the best thing to do is to treat it immediately, right?  It’s not easy to know what brands to trust, which are the most effective and which are the most long-lasting.
So why not trust your local podiatrist at That Foot Shop and go with Swift?
Swift is a non-aesthetic, long lasting verrucae and wart treatment that works down to the core of the verrucae or wart using microwave energy. This microwave energy quickly works on the infected tissue to give the patient a quick treatment with minimal pain.
So, how will Swift benefit you?

  1. Convenient – With Swift, 94% of resolved lesions cleared after three treatments or less. That means no hassle and no continuous appointments!
  2. No frightening reactions – With no smoke and no aesthetic required, there’s no need to worry about your appointment! With Swift, discomfort caused by the treatment lasts for 2-3 seconds and dissipates instantly once the treatment is over.
  3. Precision treatments – With its microwave enhanced technology, the Swift will deliver microwave energy to an exact and predetermined destination within the foot, creating an accurate pinpoint to direct all of its energy at.
  4. Shorter treatments – Due to its microwave energy and quick internal heat generation, Swift is a controlled and precise form of treatment that can deliver a shorter treatment time with minimal pain.
  5. Research says that 75% of patients experience a solution have had 4 or less Swift treatments.
  6. The Swift age range is large – Compared to most treatments such as dry needling and laser therapy, the Swift age requirement is just 10 years old, which makes it handy and convenient to get your child’s verruca and warts
  7. Go on with your day as normal – With no side effects, the Swift treatment will allow you to continue with your day as normal once your appointment is over. With 98% of our patients having no more problems with their feet since treatment, and continuing their day as normal, Swift is the way to go!
  8. A smooth, clean finish –Most of our Swift patients’ troubles are completed within 4 treatments. Just look at those results!

To book an appointment for the Swift for your verrucae and warts, call That Foot Shop on
0161 766 3078.


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